Hello, I am back to my blog! Hehe... life goes miserable when he gone. Days go better and better, reached a comfortable shutter, like now.
MJ went in army for a year. Since he quit his job, started contact me and talk to me everyday. I have no idea about his action, and I was wondering was him found any feeling toward me? Let time to prove it.
He remind me not to forget him, but I think I just can't trust him so much. I think guys usually tell bull shits to girls when they want you to do something or when they scare about something to happen. Never trust them much.
Believe or not, depend on you. Leave it or get hurt, depend on you too.
I started keep my hair long, making new plan for my future, I won't waiting for anyone, looking for the right one or anything to goes in the relationship. To be protective, tough, I don't need a man.
It is enough, end of the story to be a so called princess.
Girls, stand up and move on!
Okay, I think my hormone imbalance again, so many acne on my face! Terrible! One fine day, I suddenly recalled what I had watched on Youtube, About the 3M Nexcare acne patch! I bought the extra thin one, and it has free gift!(7 patches of night use).

I think this is quite useful as it protect your wound from the dust, prevent hands keep on touching and contact it. Beside that, it also work as a absorber to suck out all the toxic from the acne. after using for 3 days, my acne cured!
And then, my naruko mongolia lily foundation sunblock and ampm 10 peptide night gelly also finish in the same week , used them for almost 5 months and finally clear them!
These products work excellent! Apply the gelly at night and you found your skin smooth and watery in the next day morning.
After washing yourself, prepare to go out, remember to put on sun block on face. The foundation sunblock stick thinly on your skin and it makes your face look firmer!
I went to Watson, bought a Za BB cream and Naruko rawjob night gelly to replace this two things.
This is how the gelly look like, the texture just transparent and smooth,clear. Skin absorb it well. :D
I have no idea how come before looks more reddish, and after look soothing, fair.
Naruko RawJob's Tear night gelly was very popular and it has released years ago, I am just first try it by this week, found it amazingly makes my skin fairer and smoother during next morning after applying it!
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