
1/4 Hello Morning, Hi, Assignment.

Hello, warm morning. I smell FOOD!!!! Ahahahaha~ I am hungry, but I have to save some money because yesterday almost spent RM50 !!! Ah! And last week spent RM200 for my medicine TT .

Okies, that is my fault, I never take care of my health and now spending more money to trade my health. MY FAULT! BTW, I like Chatime's fresh milk with grass jelly. Is is AWESOME ! OMG~ When I think about it, my eyes *blink blink* ...

Still thinking, what else can be my brunch? rice? or noodle? I have no idea with my meal. Or I just skip it and eat a lot of cereal? argh~~~~~~

My life is miserable when it comes to food. Because canteen's foods suckx. TT and I don't want walk for a distance just to get my vegies ... Argh! I am so sad.

I just received a message, tomorrow's lecture cancelled. @@ walao~ no class for 2 days, and what should I do? Homework... I know. Now I am doing the Chinese Creative Writing 's article. It is kind of suffer after few years I start again to write the article based on the travel experience. Huuuuuuh~

Deep breath ... And I think I need food now. But, TT

Start my assignment, see you later!


1/4 I crazy AGAIN

今天早上,睡眼惺忪的时候我还记得我又梦见斗俊哥(困扰中),但是我发了一封简信给Steffi。 “你要不要陪我去FRIM” 我又神经病了。我赶紧去冲凉,我要去理发!整个早上定下来的行程都是很奇怪的,先去理发,然后去FRIM。

Steffi真是好人了,从甲洞来到宿舍这里载我过去,路上还很多车呢!进入保育区的时候,原来车辆入场比较贵,七块啊!真奇怪,下次我们走路去好了。(==) Steffi的弟弟原来是这里的常客,所以他很熟悉这里。他带我们去小瀑布那里,首先我们看到很可爱的情景,瀑布的水顺着大石而下,来到一个类似大水沟的地方,好多友族同胞在那里戏水,看起来很奇怪。


PS:Steffi 戴的眼镜,使我那时候要去马六甲时想戴的眼镜。XD

稍后Steffi的弟弟先离开,我们去了昨天走的那段山路。Steffi小姐先入为主,还没开始就已经在喊累,可是身为朋友的我,以三寸不烂之舌不断地说服她,让她好好的开始这一段路。高开始的路程是稍微陡峭的,一般刚开始走的人都会觉得累,上了贼船,Steffi也一样觉得我这个大骗子!其实我不是!!! 刚开始有一对人走过来问我们上面有什么东西,当然是小瀑布啊!然后他们是因为害怕危险,没人才走下山来,见我们开始走了,他们也跟在后面。




来,和我的新发型合一张照。今早心血来潮不能再忍受那杂乱的头发而奔向理发院的成绩。我倒说了一句很奇怪的话“修短一点,我要留长。”那是什么啊?!理发师一脸疑惑看着我,有点惊讶,因为她不知道我要什么。XD 之后她问我要不要做护理,五十块。我说我要去爬山,她的脸(==)呵呵~

让自己凉爽下来后,我们弄干脚丫,继续走我们的山路。接下来的路都是下斜坡,所以走起来得心应手。但是在有一段路,我们听到一个很奇怪的声音,类似"grrrrr"的。我们互望对方,然后觉得好可怕。Steffi说,要是野兽,就要唱"Breath in Breath out" 我当场汗颜,只能神经病般笑。哇,那把声音真的很吓人。随后,有骑轿车的人经过,我猜测那时轿车轮因为崎岖的山路而震动的声音。

我今天很厉害哦,一小时完成山路,而且走出入口所用的时间还蛮快的。因为我们有说话,而且不要太过于在意路的长短,继续走下去。下次要在"earth in not flat" 那里签名。XD

随后,Steffi问我是否想吃石锅牛肉饭?我们两个你随便我随便地去到了Bukit Bintang。哦!那是我的第一餐,我吃得津津有味。之后Steffi带我去喝"Chatime",我还蛮喜欢鲜奶仙草的,虽然这组合很简单,但是淡中有甜,仙草的甘甜,就像平淡生活里的回甘,很特别。

谢谢Steffi今天陪我走“山芭” ^^


1/4 芬多精啊芬多精











1/4 吸一口属于大自然的气息







1/4 5 or 4 ?

It's kind of difficult to answer my family members are only 4. Before that I used to answer 5. Because I had Umma. Today, I answered 4. And my tutor asked me, where is my Umma? I answered, Umma passed away last year. It was unreal at that moment.

Although Umma left us for almost one year, her spirit still with us. I like the way she smile in my dream. I dreamt her again last night, her smile was very warm. I always forget what the dream about, I try very hard to recall it, but fail.

Never mind, it mean the bonding is real, and the bond never break. FAMILY means FOREVER. =) I am tough enough to handle many things now, I also become super crazy... I think.

Okie, Umma, Appa, Dongsaeng I love you all!

1/4 Hello, Instant Mihoon

Okay, I addicted to you, Instant mihoon. When I eat you, I feel I get bored with you; when you are away from me, I feel you taste very good. TT Crazy woman. PAMA mihoon! sometimes, it is tasty, sometimes, it is horrible! @@
Just had few of chocolates, and I am damn regret now. Urgh! Stomachache! I hate you! I start missing the life with Lays Potato Chips. I like the taste of spring onion, and 1 pack cost me RM8!!!

I am half way of the book borrowed from Ms.YSY. Hahaha~ it is very funny, the dog like to eat the mucus ! XDDDDD

Ohhhh~ I am so poor, stomachache now. Stupid Chocolates!


1/4 游记何去何从?

今天成绩放榜,虽然不是什么名列前茅,突飞猛进的丰功伟绩,那可算是小小进步当作鼓励吧!成绩一路以来大起大落,都不知道自己在做什么。@@ 这次进步那一丁点小毛,零点一分左右吧!总好过退步。







1/4 Rain is GOD!

Last Saturday, My lecturer said "Rain is GOD." and the KREAK's reaction were we stared each other, and started to laugh. Ya, I think rain is GOD now. The weather is Fxckin warm and I wish it will be cooler soon.

Now, outside my window there, raining! XDDDDDDD oh, before that, I went to the doctor just now. There are too many comment on my health, my lifestyle and even the foods. I should take care of myself, for all the friends who see me crazy like this, please do care sbout your health, even the small part thinggy in your life.

I am damn regret I don't want my dad or my mum buy me the Chinese medicine for me. Damn it... REGRET. I am super duper stubborn , like a buffalo. TT Umma, I am wrong, I will take care of myself next time, start from now.

I was very afraid when I arrived the clinic. I scare later any illness knock on my door. TT breath deeply, I had a very small check out. I asked the doctor "Izzit okay?" and he said "okay.", "nothing inside oh?" I asked again. "nothing. It's okay." He said. I was damn panic until I can't speak English properly. FOOL!

At last, I have to consume hormone. TT I had mentioned to my dad, I don't want hormone! But I have to eat it. Hope I recover soon. Oooops.... Thunder.


1/4 一百八十两百块



然后回到宿舍,我决定买两盒白凤丸,待适宜时候才调理自己。我明白家人担心我有什么事,要我去看西医。可是我有一点点不相信西医,我不要吃有副作用的药。好吧,应该给自己一个底线,尽快找治疗方法。别担心我,我的生活比任何人都健康,只是这里不健康而已。 TT

这两盒白凤丸花了我一百八十块!TT 我看来就是那种省不了钱的人,以为这个月可以省下一笔钱,怎么知道买了这个以后就……悲惨。为了健康,无所谓。我会照顾自己的,别担心。

1/4 缺乏灵感的人是什么鸟样的?




我也给自己买了一本书,这本书简直就是好看到~~ps:偶尔有一点闷啦~ 背包旅客的生活与故事,看起来是那么的精彩,可是要实践起来是那么的难过登天。




1/4 On off On off I afraid that I will fall in love with you

Hello, I bought a book. It's about a girl went bagpack travel around the world. It's interesting, I love it. Our assignment group will go to Melacca next week, experience the feeling of bagpack.

I hope it is a fun trip. We decided to stay at Little Nyonya Youth Hostel at first. But when I told them the building haven't renovate and it is a "history", YSY and Charissa stared at me. Old building = maybe it is haunted. @@ okie, but I won't agree.

Nevermind, it is the cheapest hostel. I think it is okay for us.

NEW knowledge, NEW experience, NEW mood. =)

I scare I will fall in love with bagpack travel later. It need a lot of courage, scarifies and patients.

1/4 Imma Crazy.

Ya, human, I am crazy. I wrote an article about travel and it is fake and not logic. But I like it very much.

Ms.YSY ask me continuing write it until it become a crazy fanfic. OMG~ and then they require more celebrities inside. XDDD

Until now, inside has doojoon, junhyung, taecyeon, someone cosplay kimjoowoon. And yo guess, who will be the coming up next? 2 persons!

Haha, what a nice article. If I have more imagination, I can write two part in a day. but, I am out of imagination now.



1/4 搞笑游记创作




对于生长在马来西亚的小孩来说,人类的脚趾倒是第一次吃,真是让我们想起小时候吮吸脚趾一样。脚趾看上去黑黑的,指甲已经被拔去了,族长说脚指甲不能吃,因为传说中脚指甲是人的护身符,一般人吃了会变成神,活着好好的,为什么这样快去当神?所以至今都还没有人敢吃。当我们把这些脚趾送入嘴里时,只是感觉到一阵腥味。对他们当地人来说,这是人间美味,就好像我们喜欢的Nasi Lemak 一样是大众美食。XD







我们竟然跑了8小时!忘了欣赏沿途风景,忘了看看身后的老虎。回头一看,吃饱的老虎已经变成了猴子那般的身材。夫人说着老虎形象能百变,当它们饿的时候就能变成“装老虎的猴子”。真是神奇呀!天下间无奇不有,我们大开眼界了!随后夫人又把昨天族长打包的脚趾拿出来要请我们吃,说是今天的下午茶。又是下午茶 ==







1/4 Thanks

Come to the end of today. And I spent a great time with all dear friends. We decided to go Pizza Hut to have "special dinner". ps: this was a v
ery very last minute plan, we were going to go KFC at first.

I want to try become a vegetarian for one month, but it is difficult TT. I had cheese baked meatball as my dinner. The hostel gang + PeiPei ask me to show my IC to the waiter and ask for the free dessert. I was like~ Don't want larrrr~~~~ but their power was too "geng", then I forced to show my IC. TT

When we were having our yummy dinner. The song changed. @@ it was Happy Birthday. WTF... I thought it was for another kid in the restaurant, but it was for me. WTH... So embarrassing, the staffs slowly came to our seat here and sing a birthday song, I got a free volcano cake. And they asked me took a photo with them. I was totally sweat until want to hide in a hole. But my body is too big, can't hide. XDDD
Hehe, continue to the next thing we did just now. We went Wangsa Walk, and I got the mashed potato from Popeye! Good! Ahahha~ I like the mashed potato there! Awesome!

YSY keep sayin
g want to go Secret Recipe have some cakes, she really likes cakes. Maybe I am in the mood of DIET now? I feel like I am very very afraid of the oily things. We went to the Secret Reipe @ Wangsa Walk and the waitress said, it was available for take away. Waa~你今时今日的服务态度是不能的!They said they will having a pest control thinggy after they end their business today, they close earlier. @@ wow~ so speechless.

Then, we changed to Jusco Secret Recipe. And I shared the Cappuccino Cheese cake with LeeChee.
Start from tomorrow, the mode on ahhh!!!! I am very thankful that I have group of good friends and they are so nice to me. I like to make noise, I like to joke, I like to do crazy thing. Thanks that they always bare me and accept my craziness.

Thanks Dongsaeng and appa's messages.

가족,친구 사랑해 !!

1/4 (日记内容首次公开!)생일 축하 해요





现在是听着林先生的《她说》。呵呵,我是可怕的女人。第二首紧接着的是《When The Door Closes》, 为什么都是那么抒情的歌曲?好啦,我喜欢就是了!


Appa, 我会学乖,会当个好孩子。

Dongsaeng, 你们也和我一起加油吧!


YSY:Thank you always help me. (ask about notes, my room's door, everything)
LLC:Thank you be my friend, sometimes you are a good listener.
Char: Thank you always be my listener, you always by my side when I am sad.
Stef: I am not that kind of person who easy to get angry, just too long don't have angry feeling, and you always make me have the chance to angry. XD Thank you.
Lily: Thank you for always crazy with me in FB, we should going to next KPOP concert with FREE ticket!!!
Christina: You are my dearest Chingu.
Lapsap Bee: You are my lapsap chingu. XDD
Kazuya: You are the crazy chingu.
旧朋友:Thanks you all still remember me. For those who think I am LC, just let it be. For the loves one, I love you all.


1/4 16/02/2010

Hmmm ... it's the last day for me officially become 20. In my heart, I am always 15! XDD Ahahaha ... I am that kind of person who very afraid of aging. @@

I just came back from Conought Pasar Malam, and I realise that I hate the feeling of FULL now. I ate "Smelly toufu", "Char Kuey Tiao", and drank two cup of Chinese herbal tea. It is the lastday for me to enjoy food. I have to starve myself after tomorrow! Eh hey~

Today, the Super Junior M mv teaser was released. I think it is better to listen it with mv. The song is too weird for me. The mv is Super NICE ......

End of my story for today. I have to start a new me later right after 12am! What is my wishes?
I would like to share my happiness and luck to all of the people around me, people who treat me good, they will be my friend. People who don't like me, just get away from my life.

Second wish, I want all of us be healthy.

Third, I want to study hard. That's all~~

Cheer ^^


1/4 Let it go and let others be

Okay, I have something to announce now. If Ms.Steffi want Sungminnie badly, I just let he go. Okie, I think someone will very super duper satisfies with my decision. It is very tired we always argue about this, and my defend skill is super sucks, I only know how to gossip and talk about people.

I had a very free day, I having canteen's chinese mixed rice as my POOR lunch. Then, I spent whole day with Korean Drama, . I like this drama so much, just don't know why. Not because of Gikwang is a small character inside here,(I know somebody will say this to me) but Song Seung Hun is too smart !!! Hahaha~And then, Kim Tae Hee as LeeSeol , is a very materialistic character in this drama, I reallylike the way she likes money $$.

Another new thing for yesterday, Super Junior M reveal their new song in their new album. Not really want to comment this song because different person have different taste. I just like better. And I suddenly miss Hangeng when he was in Super Junior. Here I post the song,

Another sad news for yesterday, my aunt's father passed away. Life is fragile, Life is very fragile. We can't predict life and future. Everyone would leave this world in future. Hope him RIP. Deepest condolences to my aunt's family.

Yesterday, I made a decision to buy a new bag. Either the new pattern of Converse bag or the simple PUMA bag. I called Appa, and he analyse it for me. As what I expected and what I thought, I should buy the PUMA bag as it is the half price of the Converse bag. I like the Converse bag sooooo much.

Okie, girl, this is life, you can't get everything you want.

I just give up to buy any bag first, and wait for this old bag become "big lubang" then I buy a new one. I am super regret to buy a cheap bag as it can't last longer. Or the way I use it too "cu lu" ?

Today, I do nothing. Today, I think nothing. Today, I met nobody. Today, I am here in this world. ^^


1/4 Single is not a sin

Hey, Valentine day have fun with my dearest friends, LeeChee, Steffi, Charissa, SweeYie. Okie, I have to admit we are single and available. XDD

Dear Umma, When you still live in this world, you ask me to find a boy friend. I am happy that you trust me so much, but for now, I think the freedom is the most important thing. I have more time to do my own stuffs and look around.

Hello, single is not a sin. Please don't always praying to get a BF.

I enjoyed the day with my friends. I wish my future BF will treat me like his closest friend. XDD I don't know, it just what I am thinking. XDD I am just a little girl like to online.


1/4 Good Morning

Hi, it is a new day! When I was half-ly awake, I heard the birdy churp. "churp churp churp..." It start my day.

I tied my stomach tightly, I haven't feel hungry yet. XD But I feel my throat is like Shht! Izzit the weather here ? I hate it, during night time, it is cold; it is damn warm during day time! argh~~ I miss home. TT

After came back to hostel, I keep listening to G.NA's songs. Hahaha ...Especially this song, I like the most! The first song I like from G.NA! And the MV is pretty good!

Another MV from G.NA is Black and White. Jinwoon so cute! Ahh~

Okay, finishing all the crazy thing. And there is a Kpop page in Facebook, "If you are a KREAK, please like the page." Check out the meaning of KREAK!

I am a KREAK!


1/4 Hi, books. Byebye Foods.

放下行囊,我回到这一个寂寞寂寞就好,丑不啦叽,闷到发慌,令我食不安寝不乐的地方。这个地方让我整个人都神经兮兮的,还会有被害妄想症! @@ 噢噢,夸张了。

原本打算晚餐不吃的我,因为下午没有一粒米下肚,现在饥肠辘辘,饿到发狂。没办法,这样子不吃是熬不到早上的。于是,我又用懒惰人的绝招- 用热水烫泡面。宿舍饮水机的热水很够热,连我的手指也能烫熟呢!






1/4 I love my BED

Hah.... My semester holiday end. New semester starting on 14th February,Valentines Day. I hate the feeling while I have to leave my home. =(

I finish packing my stuffs, I done everything but I haven't come to the end to enjoy my home's smell. :O Oh, NO!!!!!!!

I heard from my appa, he said he will going to Johor to continue another job in June. Haiz ... ... It's my fault that I made the decision to continue study. But what can I do if I stop study?! Who wants to employ me? I hope appa's can stay at home here or he can continue working at the same place now. It's very upset to see your own dad far away from home and work. He just want to make his children's life easier. Okay, I have to say, I am not filial. Yes I am. TT

I have to say, goodbye Dinner. Let's imagine, how much money I can save IF I am not having dinner? That's a lot, okay! And then, I wish to have some part-time job for me to survive and help to reduce my appa's burdan.

Oh, I almost forget I dreamt my mum last few days, she was like bringing me walk around because of Chinese New Year. Okay, Umma, I miss you. Then, I also dreamt the 3 dolls I threw away LONG time ago! WTF! It's horror!

Haiz.... say byebye to my lovely home, start the new semester, start the plan, start everything in my life. Start from tomorrow, I am Brand New Wing. =D


1/4 Doll Doll 多多



原来我还有几天就要会去宿舍了!回去以后啊,真的要好好管教一下自己了。来看看啊,上个学期我到底做了什么?我做过的事全都是垃圾!谁人无过?最重要知错能改,善莫大焉!老天佛祖呀,我这次是认真的,其次给我力量吧! XDDD (MD王静湄你自己没有决心谁都帮不了你啦!)








如果我以上三项都能做到,我能省下多少钱啊?然后可以买G.NA的专辑!Yay! 传说中的SS3在三月十九号,表姐的大喜日子,加上本人热情不再,口袋空空,是凶多吉少的了。除非!除非有人给我厨余,我就去!



刚才突然间想起了以前部落格有放着这么一个小玩意儿, Doll Doll。 很可爱的小娃娃,以前总喜欢让她吃煎酿三宝呢!可爱得很!
有空也去看一下吧! http://doll-doll.com/


1/4 Finalist list for 2011

I am here again to show my finalist of bias for this year! Lets have a look!

The first one is B2st. I started knowing them after the Kpop concert without knowing anything about them. @@ That is true. Just regret that, I never knew their songs were NICE. argh~

Like usual, Mr. Lin is my super idol. He has great voice, He is talented, He is GREAT! I was attending his first sale event in PJ last December. And he looks fit and cute-er compare to see him on screen!

Haha, The third one is G.NA. I noticed her since her first debut with her mini album, Draw G's First Breath . What I can say is she has a good voice to sing. Her English is very good compare to other Korean artists.

I have to say jinwoon from 2AM and Yoon siyoon are very look alike. Jinwoon is the maknae in 2AM and his appearance is cute! Ahahaha~ new bias

Next girls group, Secret. Their live-performances are super good! I noticed them during their Madonna stage performance, it was amazing! Unlike some girls group, can't really sing while they are dancing. Like a death fish on the stage only know jump jump jump. ==" Jiyoon's voice is good enough, Sunhwa is funny in variety shows. I like them.

Come to Yoon siyoon. I only know him when I watched the dama . It is a super touching drama. When he cried, I cried. I like the way he act. BTW, he is a cute guy too >< sure ="=">
4minute is a very young girls group. I knew them when their first mini album, For Muzik. Their songs are quite catchy.

Finally is Seungri. Please always attending to some variety shows. You are funny. XD
I found these pictures in Facebook and they are cute also! And I found my new year wishes!

I hope My family always be healthy
Please, everyday be sunny day. I don't want to see flood again!
I need luck.
I need to lose weight! Most important~
Money is everything! No money, no food, no life.
Then the other important thing is. . . my study.
This is for my creative writting.
And I want peace. Shoooo~ go away! you this trouble thing!


1/4 Favorite

Yes. I did enjoy my holiday and fill it with tonnes of Kpop! And I am getting fatter and fatter. My face is round and round, like marry go round... XD After back to school, I should not have all my favorite food, I should CONTROL.

Luyian suggested to have a competition with me, she want to see who lose more weight. Omg~ I have to starve myself to win this competition. Anyone can be my "watch dog"? Wahaha~ I used journalist jargon, so don't misunderstand.

T-ara - Yayaya

JJ Lin - Remember

I'll Back Off So You Can Live Well


G.NA - Black & White

B2st - Breath

I like to play around with my cousin. But sometimes she is super LC. I hate LC! haha
The Lady bird was taken by my sister. Great nature!


1/4 New skin again!

Hi hi, I edited my blog again. Haiz.... It was tiring. Really ~ Hey, I dreamt Jinwoon from 2AM last night! He is so cute! Ahaha~

He seems like to lie. XDDD shhhh........ So CUTE!!! ahahaha~ When he smile, his eyes are becoming one line. tiny eyes. XDDD

I have to sleep and enjoy my last week of holiday! Good night!


1/4 Introducing doo pose!

The first day of Chinese New Year was. . . silent~~ unlike usual, my home was totally as quite as usual. sigh~ But I think it was a good chance to let us take a break. My sister found a "kong ming" lantern outside my house's drain. It seems like a poor quality lantern and it filling with a girl's wishes.

People always challenge laws. Fly a "kong ming" lantern in Malaysia is illegal. Luckily it not fell off on the house with atap leaves. If not, it will burn!!!!!
After having dinner at auntie's house, we went back and start playing with the camera. We are just like shooting horror movie.

Then, I starting imitate Doojoon with his "doo pose". The "doo pose" was spread to everywhere he went! Oh dear, it is adorable. This is the highlight for today! hehehe~
My second sister joined us to take photos with funny posing. With her "I love Suju" T-shirt XD.
My third sister's face was epic.