
1/4 my first SALARY

Hello, I am here, still alive. Finally I got my first long term job salary. I can't believe that I can work for 1 month! How amazing I am no more feeling with my recent life. Life is colourless without Korean boys! ARGH~

I was so fool, I dreamed something last night, but I couldn't remember what I dreamed. I feel scared in the dream, all the way SCARING of something. I don't know what is that, feel like it was a person. OUGH~ what is that?!

I love the spirulina crackers in my office. <3 I had bought a new collagen crackers, hope it is yummy. =) Starting of a new month, I am looking forward to my Convocation Ceremony. Because I can meet up with Lily leader, YSY and Steffi!!!!

I miss you all so much!

I was playing with my poor finger in the office. See, it was almost purple in colour. @@ It was painful!

Start using a skin care product, hope it is effective to reduce the tiredness-look on my face. Lift it up yea! I hope I will be look younger later. =)


1/4 LIZARD Grrrrrrrr

I hate lizard like I hate the fuckin annoying things in my life. There are so much useless point in my life and I am so tired to bother them. I like freedom, but I never have it. LOLOLOLOLOL

And WTH I am? So useless to let myself live like that. And even the fuckin lizard fell on my head. ARGH! I'll kill all the lizards in this word!

I hate people control my action, it's already out of their limitation. I am so disappointed with myself that I end up with this depress life. I have no way to release stress, HOW?

I like to mumbling, but at least I do not harm myself! Just let me to be the person I want to be, just let me do the things I like. I'll not let myself to be dreamless like a zoombie walkin without soul and thought.

That's me. Forgive that I'm selfish with my beautiful dream. I love myself and everyone, I'll not hurt or harm anyone. It's clueless to let me like this. I wrote some articles, but I lack of inspirations. How can I find them out and play with the words?

MOM, I LOVE YOU. Please let everyone loves me back, I loves them too, just not as deep as family and the boys I liked. So sorry to say that, please let others to love me. I need time to full fill my dream and future. Thanks.

And then, I hate lizards!!!!!!!

=Finish of mumbling full with tiredness =


1/4 Diet Diary

Failed. I don't know what happened to me. I am so serious about my weight management plan, but I failed it everydday. WTF. I found something on net.














1/4 一步一脚印之《西南十九的秘密》节选

哈咯,晚上好。其实我在文字里打滚了好多年,从来就没有什么好的作品能够给大家分享。TT 悲哀啊。
自从工作以后,每下班回到家里坐在电脑本子前就想努力写作,想把自己的文字风格分享出去。《西南十九的秘密》写后,Pizza是我的第一位读者,他说很喜欢我写的文,虽然用词简单,但是描写恰当,很不错。我的第二位读者,Cindy Onnie,他说文写得很好,很庆幸自己能够明白华文。他说要读第二次再去感受文章的意义,我还在等待回复。第三位读者,LuYian, 他说我的描写能让他看见大海,很舒服。OMO,能够让读者看见故事里的景物,我的荣幸啊。





我不是一个诗情画意的人,可是以我当时的灵感,我的确是这样的人。要看看我在写作的时候想什么?No way, 我不怎么公开我写作时候的情愫。





1/4 New recipe Kimchii

Hello everyone, kindly introduce my new recipe kimchii~ I made it today, will finish the process by tomorrow. New recipe kimchii only available in Wings' home.

Went to the mini market with my dad after working. Sigh... I already get used to the environment and time. I know it is not enough. I thinkin of macaroni suddenly, with all tomatoes !!! OMG

The radish is so salty, hope they method will make it better. Will try the kimchii radish tomorrow~~ I can't wait for the kimchii fried eggs. TT OMG it is so tasty!

Wait for the pretty kimchii photo~


1/4 Love you before loving myself

I realised my hands was so dry. TT they look sicked. I don't know what happen to them. Izzit possible my working place too dry? I apply lotion on my body every night and apply the sunblock to work too! Gosh~ soooo girlish!

I can't believe that I really take care of myself now. Protect myself from sun, avoid myself from oily food ... The only thing I haven't do is, EAT LESS. Okay, I eat less, but im still eating dinner. WTH Giving myself last chance to delete "dinner".

See, it's dry!

Then I went to Watson to buy myself a Vaselin Hand Creme. I can't found the Bee Honey Hand Creme TT They don't have stock. Sigh ...

This one not bad also, I can try it. I will use it for a period, will tell you guys how it works. =D

I can't deny that I am a crazy person.


1/4 First day, nice starting?

Hello, officially start my 2nd diet plan for my last 5kg. See what I ate today:

Breakfast: Sardin Bun
Lunch: Berry mixed protein oat
Dinner: Soya+shared bun with my sister

That's all.

I was carving for Malays' dishes, please help me! I don't want be FAT. TT thankiu for my patient. =)

And I also carving for my dearest hubby Lee Gikwangs' new pictures. WTF I am too obsessed with this guy. TT no one can cure me from it, I admit I am damn it crazy. Like a chicken! @@

Let me continue carving for food and kiki. I need inspiration for my next article, God, please gimme a super sweet dream.


1/4 shoo Shoo ~

I wish I will never feel tired. After working days, I feel tired. It doesn't mean physically tired, just the feeling feels tired. What the hell I am talking about?

Start from tomorrow, I hope I will never feel tired. I still young, I want stay forever young! OMG, I am still young! Like a teenager!

My diet plan for today was spoilt. =( I drank oat as my lunch and breakfast but Asam Curry for my dinner TT. I never expect my dad can cook that nice. TT Got mummmy tasteeeeee

I got my own chores in my working place. I hope I can handle it fluently, I don't like the feeling of FREE. It makes me feel I am useless =(

Last night was a crazy night. I was sad and sent messages to my Beauty members. They all are super funny and cute. I love them, muahhh~ just hope them will be normal a bit, don't be abnormal.

Okay, I should stop here. Good night everyone~


1/4 Love you you


林俊杰 - love You You

love you you 我像孤独的渔夫
说不出 爱的温度
很想给你幸福 你却自我保护
转弯处 只剩下潮汐之外的荒芜

love you you 却在海里迷了路
找不出 心的归属
思念越尝越苦 心跳乱了脚步
怎么我 读不懂你唇语之间的无助

就算用尽所有真心 却到不了你的心底
回忆难以靠近 你是我奢求的唯一
让我用尽所有力气 只要你相信
只剩一句 love you you stay with me


就算用尽所有真心 却到不了你的心底
回忆难以靠近 你是我奢求的唯一
让我用尽所有力气 只要你相信
只剩一句 love you you stay with me



Hello! Wonderful Thursday! Tomorrow will be a casual Friday! OMG I can't believe time flies like a G6 XDDDDDDDDD 2 weeks time just passed like that! I am more awaiting for the day I can get my first salary.

It's Thursday again and I LOVE it! Oh, I got the McDonald voucher yesterday! RM5 voucher from my online survey job. Weeeeeheee~Don't envy, I just start my 2nd wave of diet plan, but I failed in the first day, I ate Malay mixed rice as lunch, I supposed to eat only Quaker oat. =(


Introduce 2 movies to you all, ~ I don't know what the story about, but I'm very sure that is a love story! XDDDDDDDD I will watch it by tomorrow. The theme song sing by JJ Lin! OMG~ wonderful voice!

And the second movie I watched, Damn it Han Geng and Wu Chun so handsome (not really) @@ And the story line was fine and I felt sad for the ending. Han Geng and Wu Chun lost everything at the end of the movie.


1/4 For my 2nd round of diet - first day

Hello, Super Ah Wing is here, still alive and get survive in DRY life. Hoooooh~ I can't imagine I din't smell the shopping centre for more than 2 weeks, MIRACLE! I'm a window shopping queen, always trying on many clothes, but I never buy them lolololol...

When I think back my college life, that was so fun! I miss you already... =(

Christina and I was chatting on FB, we bet again. I have to lose 5 more kg, because my BMI now is still over weight TT. How sad izzit?! I have to reach my target before New Year, this is my new year gift.

Oh, please clear all the barrier !!! Don't ever stop me from my diet plan, I will shoot you! Yer~~ I want stick with milk, oat and soup! OMO~ my dad cooked the winter melon soup! I miss this soup so much! So tasty! Oah~~~~~~

See what I ate for today, Early in the morning, I drank a glass of water with apple cider vinegar. Afternoon, two bread with Kaya and butter, berry soya quaker oat as my lunch. Ding Dong Dang~ time to back home! I had two bowl of winter melon soup ! OMG~ too much!!!

What else I can say for myself? Working hard, Diet hard, Play hard if there is a chance. Not much I can do, just save hard, buy hard. XDDDDDDD I admit that my obsession toward Gikwanga and Soohyun is Super Duper CRAZY.

Undeniable my fangirlism is a sickness. Friend said, it is kind of sickness, it called “相思病”. Oh, I think so. Super Gikwang just too charming in my eyes.


1/4 有没有效?

1. 燕麦,汤是我的好朋友。
2. 苹果醋对减肥好。
3. 普洱茶最清油
4. 多动,要跑步!
5. 克制自己~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

一星期后,我回来看看成果。因为这几天吃太多了。 TT


1/4 Listen to you

Hello, I am here, still alive. I really hate myself. I should concentrate on writing my articles. bye bye.

I listen to you.


1/4 感 觉









今天下班,我很认真地想了一个问题,“为什么我会开始这份工作?” 我想了很久,可能前几天我会找到比较正面的想法,现在,我很累,因为刚才我去查货,很乱咯,乱到我想要坐在那里哭,很想抓头发发脾气。我差一点就要打人!呵呵,这样子生闷气的人,就是我咯。

我还有什么地方可以发泄的?除了乱写一通,就是这里了咯。没办法,这份工作花了我整天的时间,我唯一能做的是回家写写写…… 我好害怕变黑 TT 我是傻的。


我不要去在乎钱,我在乎你,老光秀铉。啊,现在回家唯一消遣就是Tumblr还有看这些男人。先解决一部分的压力,未来的压力更大! XDDDD 我加力了!


1/4 打工日记(5) - 叫我兼职女王



回到家,我收到稿费!还不错哦,竟然还可以登上报纸!好高兴哦!哈哈哈~~三篇文章。我看,我应该写多几篇的,我要赚多多稿费!哈哈哈哈~ 我还要卖韩国专辑,隐形眼镜,写作……但是哦,我要不要兼职保险业咧? TT

我想做,但是很怕风险。 TT 怎么办?



1/4 打工日记(4) - 我是超级无敌厉害的 Wing


我还发现一些事情,我越来越黑 TT 我没有去晒太阳,可是却越来越黑,不像话。听朋友说那是室内紫外线导致的。好不容易等到下班,回到家里煮了明早的午餐,就上网来找解决方案。

我得到的结果是,找不到很好的解决方案。所以我在这个星期五要去买柠檬,每天喝,看会不会白。生气死了,每一次回到这里一定黑到不懂像什么,这一次要呆在这里这么久,我怕会变成黑人 TT 我不要~~~




1/4 打工日记(3) - 白日梦






1/4 打工日记(2)

厚,早上不想起床!!!现在下班回家了,吃着巧克力更新日志。吃完巧克力,吃糖果~嘿嘿~今天早上载妹妹去上学后就去办公室 TT 很早啊~ 买了一份报纸,坐在车上看报纸。今天的午餐有金枪鱼沙拉!啊~我的最爱!我喜欢沙拉喜欢到要死了!哈哈哈~明天也要吃一样的吗?好吧,明天也吃这个!谁叫我喜欢,没办法。


嘿嘿,早上的报纸,娱乐版,2PM要来开唱啦!我也好想去看,毕竟是韩国 '最热' 的男子团体吧!哈哈哈~疯狂的哈韩女人。




1/4 打工日记(1)

我现在是一名打工仔,早上八点去上班,下午五点放工。生活,简单不过,死板不过,规律不过。好吧,水瓶座忍过这一关就是无敌!苦尽甘来,最美味的是韩式烧烤,还有我的偶像男人们! XDDDDDDDDDDD 我要开始存钱,我要先换电话,然后慢慢来存一大堆的钱!哈哈哈~~~

Samsung Galaxy S3 要出来了,我等!超级无敌的手机,等我。啊,不要说我乱用钱,我只是存钱来奖励自己!啊哈哈哈哈。今天在办公室里面,我新人报道,要学事情还几多下,可是就是很闲没事做。结果我坐到要睡觉。 @@ 不好意思。

