Hallo~~~ Today I naik gila again. Charissa and I went to Jelatek, walking around, went to Great Eastern Mall, then we played bubble in the Taman.

Hello, beautiful yellow fish. How was your day? Charissa's finger nail looks interesting right? XDD

Hello, dear puppy, How was your day? do you enjoy the aircond in the pet shop? or you want to follow me and run happily in the Taman? =D

Two bottle of bubble soap from ToyRus, we are young children, we need a lot of fun! I enjoy my childhood now! Wahahaha~~~~ Big Baby.

I like this picture so much, can see my face's shape! Ahahaha~ Charissa's bubblesss!

Ahahaha~~~ This picture is interesting! Cool!
Bubbles fly fly fly high in the sky~

Big bubble.

The sun is burning! Everyone is hot! But I like the sun burn in the sky. WARMMMM~

Lastly, I winked behind the bench. Charissa hold the cameraa~~
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