0420: I was awake @ 0300 and start rolling here and there because I can't sleep and today is my first time become a children tour guide. What the hell, I brought my Panda eyes to work.
Say hello.

0620:I arrived Klang @ 0500 and I waited at the huge mamak shop for more than an hour, just wait for my leader come to fetch me. It's lucky that I am patient.
Feel sleepy and want to chop off my head!
0930:Our journey started. I introduced myself in the bus, and the kids just not responding like a computer task hang! OMG~ I felt so embarrassed to reveal the answers for the riddles. I am a fool =(
The air outside the bus just like shit, hazy! I don't like it!
1130:When the people enjoyed the animal show, I was free =) I walked around and took some pictures. But there were nothing much allowed me to capture, to little things. And I was so lucky when a bird fly and pass by and shit on the floor, I just pass over that place! WTF lucky like hell !! The kindergarten teacher was like "wow, so lucky..."
I @@.
Penguins not cute at all.
I found the sea lion was so funny, when it lied down on the floor, it just like a cartoon figure. I feel like want to punch it! It seems so soft and flexible niaaaa XDD
There was a lot of people visited the school by today. I don't know why, just felt very packed and hard to breath(Zoo Negara was stink and hot) And then I feel like my job is chasing people in the zoo. Hurry up!
1430: We arrived TUDM Museum. I was so happy because it was the last stop! Hahaha~ It was so @@ when I saw other kids run and play around the place. Some of them even climbed on the plane! Walao eh~ and sometimes I heard huge sound like destroying something.
This is chipmunk. XDDDD
And this one, I don't know what thing I took, but I like it.

1515:I was so happy to see the kids back with a very happy mood. They ran all over the field, they climbed here and there. Some of them are really cute. =D

1615: I was on the KTM and on the way back to hostel. It was the first time I went to Klang and back alone.
1815: I arrived hostel and immediately enjoyed my lovely bath. I feel happy when I am very clean and syok now!