
1/4 KLCC+Berly Chocolate House

Hello, I am still alive. Breathing, typing and crazing. I am hungry now and tiring. It is okay for me, I take it as the hobby. My hobby is starving myself. @@

I brought the children tour again today. My toothache was killing me when we entered the Chocolate House. TT too sweet for me.

I saw Macaroon! I almost gone crazy when I saw that. BIG MACAROON!!! OMG~~ but my toothache not allowed me to eat that.

From KLCC Aquaria:
The Jelly fish just awesome, like jelly, can eat. @@
Blue jelly.

And I captured a frog. he looks so damn funny with his posing. He was like saying: wuwak, what the hell you human so weird!


Oh~ and another thinggy seems like raccoon but I forget the name of it. Its tail was super funny just end like that. Walking walking and walking~

Okie, today I don't need to go back by myself using the fucking KTM or something funny. I am so lucky that I am here to write my blog.

Cure my toothache!


1/4 风大雨大,这里最安全

我的大脑就快被这学期把大家搞得面红耳赤的国际关系(IR)给占领。从刚开始的 “唯心主义”(Idealism), “现实主义”(Realism),各种“战争形势”到“联合国”……哇!我心在战争!太可怕了,国际关系太可怕了!从三国的尔虞我诈,海湾战争的阴暗,索马里内战,耶路撒冷与以色列的关系……这一大堆的棘手冲突都不禁让我打冷战。







活在想象中比较好? 还是活在现实中比较好?

我喜欢60%想象 20%现实 20% 自己 = 100% 的我

1/4 I am fxcking stupid dumn!

I hope to kill myself now, use my RM40 just like this. I don't need this book! I think maybe you need it!

有谁有兴趣要买我这本书?新买的,我以为是游记写法才买,打开才​知道是教导旅游摄影的。原价RM54 我卖RM40 谁有兴趣的,PM我。 谢谢。


1/4 I am a children tour guide

0420: I was awake @ 0300 and start rolling here and there because I can't sleep and today is my first time become a children tour guide. What the hell, I brought my Panda eyes to work.

Say hello.

0620:I arrived Klang @ 0500 and I waited at the huge mamak shop for more than an hour, just wait for my leader come to fetch me. It's lucky that I am patient.

Feel sleepy and want to chop off my head!

0930:Our journey started. I introduced myself in the bus, and the kids just not responding like a computer task hang! OMG~ I felt so embarrassed to reveal the answers for the riddles. I am a fool =(

The air outside the bus just like shit, hazy! I don't like it!

1130:When the people enjoyed the animal show, I was free =) I walked around and took some pictures. But there were nothing much allowed me to capture, to little things. And I was so lucky when a bird fly and pass by and shit on the floor, I just pass over that place! WTF lucky like hell !! The kindergarten teacher was like "wow, so lucky..."

I @@.
Penguins not cute at all.

I found the sea lion was so funny, when it lied down on the floor, it just like a cartoon figure. I feel like want to punch it! It seems so soft and flexible niaaaa XDD

There was a lot of people visited the school by today. I don't know why, just felt very packed and hard to breath(Zoo Negara was stink and hot) And then I feel like my job is chasing people in the zoo. Hurry up!

1430: We arrived TUDM Museum. I was so happy because it was the last stop! Hahaha~ It was so @@ when I saw other kids run and play around the place. Some of them even climbed on the plane! Walao eh~ and sometimes I heard huge sound like destroying something.

This is chipmunk. XDDDD

And this one, I don't know what thing I took, but I like it.

1515:I was so happy to see the kids back with a very happy mood. They ran all over the field, they climbed here and there. Some of them are really cute. =D

1615: I was on the KTM and on the way back to hostel. It was the first time I went to Klang and back alone.

1815: I arrived hostel and immediately enjoyed my lovely bath. I feel happy when I am very clean and syok now!


1/4 to all my super bias

Hello, I'm back with my broken English. =D Sorry if you don't understand what were posted in my blog. TT My English just sucksss...

I am eating my dinner now, and listen to unplug version. Relaxxx nya ~~ I can't stand when I seeing he cried =( WTF

Gikwang just adorable like the doll! ^^

And I am super headache like a crazy @@

Finally our assignment is done! CINETIFIC!


1/4 [我是水瓶座]有没有那么一首歌会让你想起我?



   她好像可以属于社会上任何一个族群,但又不真正属于任何族群。她属于她自己,似乎没有人可以完全占有她,但她也从来不会霸道的想要占有别人。 对许多水瓶座女性来说,人生都是一场无尽的探索。瓶座女性几乎都不是"金钱主义者",她要寻找的是有智慧,有胸襟,可以陪她追寻"人间道"的男人。正常来说,水瓶座女性是拥有自己的道德法则,同时也尊重别人不同法则的。









  拥有与外表不甚相符的极强的信念,有时情感会像决堤的大坝一样突然爆发。 在讨论会上,会率先提出自己的意见。














  过于投入地倾听别人的意见时你难免眼突目眦,难道没发现对方正在怒视着你吗? 紧接着发生的不是讨论而是争吵,就完全在情理之中了。倾听别人时如果正视着对方的眼睛,时不时点头或做出反应,好感指数会大大提高!






  像织毛衣这种需要心灵手巧的事情是最不适合水瓶座的。有一样与水瓶座最有缘,那就是音乐。如果已厌倦了欣赏,不妨尝试亲自编辑录音带? 从古典乐、爵士乐、摇滚乐,都可能是你所喜爱的领域。创造只属于你的原创音乐一定会充满乐趣。












星座真准。我很害怕 TT


1/4 Evening

Yo, I am still alive in this beautiful world. I hate sleeping in the evening because it makes me "energetic" at night. WTF I hate the feeling like insomnia ?? I don't know.

I am thinking of to write more articles but where is the inspiration? TT It is kind of annoying to listen to myself, I hate to ask myself "what to write?" Ough! My writing skill sucks. =(

Too tired to talk, too tired to burden myself with all those stupid things, I need a break. Shoo~ Shoo~ go away, I need a jog.


1/4 Outing with Wuli Dongsaeng

Hello, spent too much for today. I was outing with my sister, once in a while, nevermind. OMG I am now missing the soup in the Korean restaurant! Taste so nice! TT

We ordered Bibimbap, Dokbokki, Kimchi Fried Rice. OMG~ I love the Kimchi Fried rice soo much! And the soup! XDDDDDD

This was the first time for my sister trying on Korean Dishes. She said she not really likes the style, I don't know her, she likes spaghetti. @@

Then, I used to love the Kimchi raddish alot!

My kimchi fried rice! It is tasty~~~

And we took a stupid selca A Times Square. How ugly am I took this kind of photo. TT

I lost 1.7 kg for 2 weeks, then by this week I gained 0.2kg. WTF I should not make myself Karma again! I can stand it!


1/4 Exhausted

I am too exhausted after I did all the advertisement design. They were just some changes, but it really tiring. =( Izzit I am getting older?

I just had a vegies bun, hot cup instant noodles, 2 oranges and 2 breads for today. OMG! I am so cham. TT I just waste RM3 like that!

I received a call, the Samsung service centre said my hard drive is already here, notify me to collect it. Yeah!

Ouhhhhh~~~ today too tired! I ate 3 oranges!


1/4 其实我自己也没怎样

外面天黑黑,风很凉,我很想出去走走。想要一个人,却又怕寂寞。=( 没办法,习惯群体生活的外星人就是适应不了孤零零的。其实我也不怎样,心里总是希望自己能够寻找一个人的自由与宁静,可是却因为害怕没有人说话而退缩。真是神经病。






1/4 Gym alone, Eat alone, Sleep alone But I love it

Hello, I am still alive. I am cooking my soup, for tomorrow. I am still thinking, should I have a box of mixed rice or not(for tomorrow laaaa). Hmm ... thinking thinking~ But now, I should eat my oranges @@.

It is a sad month. During the beginning of July, my uncle passed away. Today, another sad news. My lao da yi passed away =( . Life is fragile if we do not care of it. So moody when knowing someone left.

I ate vegies soup + macaroni today. What the hell the chicken stock make it so salty. I like it. I hope I can stand without meat. I miss fried chicken so much, but as Cindy Onnie said, Vegies is good for me now. I bear bear~~~

And, at the end I went gym alone. I saw monkey when I was on the way to the school gym room. Ah! I hate monkey! I climbed up to the hill to make sure the monkeys were really away from my sight. I arrived my destination safely. I am so afraid of monkey! They will rob you! Your foods! Ahhh~~~

I must lose more! MORE! MOOORRRREEEE!!!

Keep it on! I believe I can do it!


1/4 Teddy smell

Hey! I like the Teddy bear smell recently! And you guess, what happen?! I went to Jusco for grocery shopping, I weighted myself. I am already lost 1 kg! Woow~ I should try harder to lose more. Yeah, I know it is difficult, but I think I can do it. =)

Thanks for Cindy Onnie's advise I love it!

And I found this cutie is only cost me RM2. So cute and useful!

Guess how much for this hat and shirt? They are totally cheap! less than RM20!

And lastly, my gikwang. OMG he is so gorgeous! Charming! <3


1/4 Orange

I ate 3 oranges today. I failed to control myself again. Start from 2moro, CONTROL again. I hate the feeling of lazy. Shoo~~~ go away!


1/4 看我怎样把林先生的歌套到李起光身上



2. Fan Meeting 的时候,

好时光都该被宝贝 因为有限


想你想你 也能成为嗜好
~~~~好喜欢你 知不知道

4. Fan Meeting 的时候看不够,

总在落幕后 才学会如何 珍重

5. 他听得懂

莎郎嘿哟means I love you
代表着我 离不开你
每分每秒 每一个声音
只有你撒娇 会让我微笑



1/4 Self-Control

I can't believe I still like this. Okie, stop it and start to work super hard tomorrow. After the FM I feel like lack of something, but I don't know what is that. TT

Okay than, if I don't know, just don't know and start seeking for another question's answer. Just wanna complain my baby Gikwang is too cute and great in live performance! Wuahahahaha~ Stop it.

I ate KFC today, so, start tomorrow to starve myself again. I am the expert to hold hunger. With the hoeny milk, I feel happy. With the soya, I feel energetic, with the coco, I feel like heaven! Muahahaha~ crazy.

I just can't stop myself from taking selca. I think it is a kind of illness. No need to cure it. @@ I was using steffi's camera to take selca. WTF even people's camera I used for selca.

Okie, I promise to love myself more tomorrow. so I will sleep well and have a sweet dream tonight. you too! <3

1/4 I saw Gikwang finally

Hello, I am not a crazy person, just got a fandom over gikwang niaaa~~~ I think I am so tired, I can't process the feeling after seeing Gikwang in real. @@

This morning, when I was using my hp facebook, I saw a comment in FB said that they were not seeing Gikwang in the airport, then my heart almost cold. I like him that's why I want too see him in real! Wuahahaha~ but I like their songs too.

stop it, stop it. I gonna miss him tomorrow although he had not much scene. I know I am kind of crazy. Let me rest.