Hallo~~ Hallo~~ I went to the U-KISS showcase @ Pavilion yesterday! Heehee~ When I was in Communication Law class, I decided to go if there is not raining in KL town. The most important thing is, FREE!
We managed to see all the members when they arrived, but the car just drove in and they move so fast! And the, this is what I got!
Ahahaha~ Soohyun!

After that, we moved to the front stage there, we ran into Pavilion, and came out from the main entrance. We got the super far place =( But we are expert to squeeze into the crowd, and move forward.
I am very thank that my cammie is good enough in zooming. I can see them clearly with it! and I noticed, the Malay girl beside me also staring at my cammie. =) You are great!
I don't know why I just only want to focus on Soohyun. OMG. I don't know~~~(Yoseob's part in ) Cheer~~~ I just feel that, his smile is charming. TT poisoned.
Oh! They even prepare a birthday cake for Dongho and AJ. Hahaha~ they blew the candles, Dongho acted so cute, but why his eyes always like only open 1/3 ?
Oh! This picture is very funny~ Hoon just helped Soohyun to wipe off his sweat. Hahaha~ It looks so weird and soohyun looks like very enjoy. XDDDDDDD

And then I don't know whatever this kind of pictures I took are CLEAR. So weird. It's a scholarship or whatever fund to a Melaka thinggy.

And we ran back right after the performance. They performed 4 songs! <0330>,, and ~~ great! I mean their live performance is not bad.